Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
RAJ PARIVAR duplex house |
16 |
RAJINDERA furniture house |
20 |
RAJINDRA furniture house |
20 |
RASIK book house |
41 |
REFORM +light house |
31 |
ROYAL sporting house |
28 |
RR salt house |
30 |
RS LIGHT HOUSE +light house |
9 |
RS light house +lighthouse |
35 |
S stationery house +oval |
35 |
SAHARA care house |
41 |
SAJI SANWRI guest house |
42 |
SANGAT boot house |
25 |
SHUBH SHRI tent house |
43 |
SHUBHAM a house of silk |
24 |
SHYAM house hold sabun |
3 |
SHYAM LEELA fashion house |
25, 35 |
SINDHOOR bake house |
43 |
SINGH chicken house |
29 |
SOMANI a house of suiting |
24 |
ST. MARTIN'S house of tea |
30 |
house |
35 |
TGH the grill house |
43 |
TLH the luxury house |
35 |
TYCOON house of jainsons |
18 |
TZAR house |
42 |
VAGHANI power house |
9 |
VISHWAS white house |
2 |
VLILP house maker +hut |
16 |
VMP house makers +hut |
16 |
WH wool house |
26 |
YAADGAR cold drink house |
29 |
b BHALANI publishing house |
16 |
chaman cap house C-MARK |
25 |
craft house |
16 |
fashion house +man |
25 |
from the house of SURYA |
30 |
from the house of wills |
25, 34 |
house |
20 |
golf house |
28 |
gujarat namkeen house |
30 |
heavy pipe house |
6 |
international house biryane |
30 |
kwality petha house +hut |
30, 35 |
law house +scales & triangl |
45 |
linen house |
24, 25 |
matting house MH |
27 |
new FRONTIER cloth house |
25 |
patel parotha house |
30 |
house |
20 |
psh PULIMOOTTIL silk house |
24 |
science house lab industrie |
35 |
super book house |
16 |
tea house +cup & saucer |
42 |
the house of w.d.& h.o WILL |
25, 34 |
travel house express +circl |
16 |
white house A.S. +drop |
29 |
SKA houseboats |
39 |
EVERYDAY elegent household |
21 |
HUMARA household brand |
35 |
PCN household products +hut |
21 |
SONA household accessories |
21 |
VARUN household |
21 |
33 |
HUNG houses |
19, 36, 37 |
KUMARI NATTU +sun & houses |
34 |
bharat 555 +light houses |
34 |
houseware |
11, 20 |
LEO houseware |
21 |
VETO PLAST houseware +deer |
21 |
1 VIP housewares |
21 |
PRIME housewares |
21 |
HARSHA the housewives dream |
18, 21, 25, 28 |
the housewives dream |
9 |
BHAWNA housing |
35, 36, 37 |
BHOSALE housing |
16, 19, 36, 37 |
DEWAN housing finance corp. |
36 |
PRIDE housing |
37 |
PROVIDENT housing |
2, 6, 9, 25, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42 |
RUBBERWALA housing |
37 |
SAGAR housing +building |
36 |
SANGAM housing +hut |
36 |
SN SHREE NAINA housing |
37 |
TATA housing |
37 |
U-TURN housing +arrow |
36 |
37 |
VASATHI housing +hut leaves |
36 |
mumbai housing +squares arc |
37 |
houston ASTROS |
16, 25 |
houston ROCKETS |
16, 25, 28 |
houston ROCKETS +ball |
16, 25, 28 |
hov ACTION |
9, 42 |
hov OASIS |
9 |
J.K.W. how 4 +squares |
12 |
YOSA however you wear +plan |
14 |
35, 42 |
H howrah stores +wheel |
24 |
INDU howrah GT +map |
25 |
TONYS TONY howrah |
25 |
hp |
28 |